I chose this logo because it is one of my favorites in the automotive market. I think that for a German brand it has a very moden and classy look to it. This logo has been the same for many years so I admire it's quality of no alternations. I like the clean and simple style and the color choice is great because it looks great on any color car. No other automotive vehicle has a logo that looks like this, it is very different and easy to notice anywhere. Even if the letters were not on this, you would be able to recognize and know what it is.
Red Bull
I drink Red Bull very often and I know when it came to deciding what energy drink to drink the Red Bull logo and can design was the one that caught my eye. This logo is so well made in it's design. The logo itself is so important to the brand that only it's Wings Team and Athletes are allowed to wear it. Their bulls and suns are trademark that no one is allowed to copy. Rules like that on a logo show how established it is and how well it has done for the company. Everyone knows this logo and the story and power of the company behind it. Either the symbol or the words will catch the attention of the audience.
Dunkin Donuts
I live up North in Rhode Island so this logo is seen on every street corner, and then half a mile up the road from that. Dunkin Donuts are everywhere and can be seen from miles away when driving down a street. I like the color scheme that the company used. For a coffe company to pick orange and yellow it makes a statement and separates them from their competitors. The font that they use is also fun and makes you want to make a purchase. Since their slogan "America runs on Dunkin" has become so known throughout the country it just proves how Dunkin Donuts advertising is doing a great job in making their brand established.
For as many years as abc has been around on television you would think that they would make some sort of alternation to their logo. However as boring as it is to me, it does work for the company. With a title as simple as the first three letters of the alphabet it only makes sense to not over do it. This abc logo is well known all over the country, it is altered for its second channel abc family but otherwise the black and white is all people need to see to know what they are watching. I think that because Disney created this logo they wanted to stay simple so it could last forever.
Not only do I not like Pepsi but I am also not the biggest fan of their logo. To me it does not do the company anything for their advertising. When I think of or see red, white and blue I think patriotic, not pepsi. It's not smart to pick a color scheme that is related to something else. Also, if you google Pepsi logo, about 5-8 different logos come up and it's hard to remember which one is the most up to date. It's not a very strong logo if they are constantly making alternations to it. Not to mention it makes it harder for the consumer to remember what the logo looks like.
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